Here comes the over-reach from Ottawa on environment

Ottawa will impose a carbon tax on any province that doesn’t adequately cut emissions, minister says

Reuters | September 18, 2016 4:44 PM ET

The federal government will impose a carbon price on provinces that do not adequately regulate emissions by themselves, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna said on Sunday without giving details on how the Liberal government will do so.

Speaking on the CTV’s “Question Period,” McKenna said the new emissions regime will be in place sometime in October, before a federal-provincial meeting on the matter.

THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jason Franson She said the government will have a “backstop” for provinces which do not comply. She did not elaborate or address questions on penalties for defiance.

Canada’s 10 provinces, which enjoy significant jurisdiction over the environment, have been wary of Ottawa’s intentions and have said they should be allowed to cut carbon emissions their own way.

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      THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jason Franson Alberta Premier Rachel Notley changes the subject when asked about the economic impact of her carbon tax.

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