Black Friday world craziness!
Black Friday chaos goes global: Topless feminist trashes Ukrainian sweet store as shoppers in Brazil and Greece join in the frenzied struggle for bargains
- Radical feminist protester hijacked Black Friday sales at a Kiev sweet shop by throwing items around topless
- In pictures from a shop in Sao Paulo, Brazil’s biggest city, huge crowds can be seen battling for big-screen TVs
- One worker can be seen standing on a stack of TVs attempting to marshal the chaos by using a vuvuzela horn
- In Athens, meanwhile, queues are already starting to build as shoppers in Greece strike out in search of deals
Black Friday is well under way around the world – with a topless feminist protester appearing in a Ukrainian sweet shop and frenzied bargain-hunters battling for deals in the likes of Brazil and Greece.
Photographs from the Ukrainian capital show a woman from radical feminist group FEMEN throwing confectionery while screaming in protest.
Before being taken away, the woman – who also had the words ‘Black Friday’ painted on her torso – managed to cause a considerable mess in the store.

A topless activist of the feminist movement FEMEN bearing the slogan ‘Black Friday’ raids a shop in Ukraine this morning as consumer madness spreads around the world

Before being taken away, the woman – who also has the words ‘Black Friday’ painted on her torso – managed to cause considerable damage in the store

The shop – owned by Roshen – was named after former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko. Here the protester can be seen throwing tins of cakes

The activist trashed the shop in Kiev by throwing chocolate bars and sweets in the air. The Roshen Corporation, which owns the shop, is the biggest confectionery retailer in Ukraine

The radical feminist protester was eventually taken away so genuine Black Friday shoppers could take advantage of the day’s sales
The shop – owned by Roshen – was named after former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko.
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