Pushing the Radical Muslim agenda in Markham
The Muslim witch-hunt against Markham principal
It seemed the witch hunt against a school principal in Markham had all but died down after she was forced to apologize for her supposedly anti-Muslim Facebook posts.
When the attacks on Ghada Sadaka — an Arab Christian — began in September, I went through what the principal had posted and found nothing that would have upset me as a Muslim, or the many Muslim parents of York Region that I spoke to.
According to Toronto Star reporter Noor Javed, Sadaka shared and commented on videos purportedly showing violent “Muslim takeovers” of Paris and London, as well as articles expressing concerns refugees may bring “terrorist sympathies” to Canada.
Nowhere in her posts did Sadaka denounce all Muslims or peaceful followers of Islam. Yet, a single unnamed individual told the Star she felt the Facebook posts were “blatantly spreading hate” and so complained to the school board.